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bookmobile artist, Leigh Schelman, signing the bookmobile at the kick-off celebration
Interview with the Artist

You've seen the illustrations now learn what inspired the artist. Leigh Schelman is an illustrator from Portland, Oregon, who grew up in Wisconsin and obtained her BFA in art from the University of Wisconsin.

How did you come up with the illustrations for the bookmobile?

I guess my thoughts were this: we are bringing the Salem Public Library to the neighborhoods. It only made sense that we show scenes from within the library. The SPL is a very busy place. It’s filled with art, people, odd characters, etc. So really, it wasn’t hard coming up with material.

How did you get the job?

The SPL found me. Cyndi Mudge at the library saw samples of my illustrations on the Oregon Humane Society Web site. I convinced the library that I knew what I was doing and the rest is available for viewing in many Salem neighborhoods.

What were your objectives when creating your illustrations?

We wanted the bookmobile to attract people: to have a large presence in the community. The fact that it’s really the only 28-foot mobile with a full mural covering is a good start. But when you get up close, I think the illustrations inspire a feeling of fun, warmth and humor that appeals to the mass audience it was created for.

How did you get your illustrations on to the bookmobile? Was it magic?

The process was actually quite involved. I used pastels to draw all of the components at about half of the final size. (At one point, all the walls in my room were covered with pastel drawings) Then I scanned everything into my computer and composed the mural in Photoshop. Gillespie Decals printed the final design out on vinyl, which they melted onto the bus.

Are you on the bookmobile?

Not really. I’d like to think I am the woman on the cellular phone on the passenger side of the bookmobile. But she’s a little too refined to be me. Her lipstick isn’t smudged.

What are your five favorite books at this time?

I’ve recently burned through all of the John Irving novels, and I reread the Tolkien trilogy in preparation for the movies. As for non-fiction, I’m trying to improve my knowledge of Astronomy after a recent camping trip where three of my friends and I could only identify the Big Dipper and moon in a sky filled with stars, planets, ancient mythology, history and distant galaxies.

Which do you like more, reading or drawing?

It’s kind of a yin/yang thing. Reading puts images in, and I twist thing around and expel them back out in the form of illustrations. If I didn’t have enough input, I really wouldn’t have anything to put back into the world.

Would you ever consider living in a bookmobile?

Hmmm. I guess it would be fun to drive it across country stopping at every rock-climbing crag it could make it up the approach trail to. I’d be pretty popular. Of course I’d have to arrange some financing along the way (please, contact me if you’d like to be a sponsor). But, my cat hates all kinds of mobiles.

Describe your style of illustration:

Well, I guess what I want it to be is fun and entertaining with just a touch of my personal sense of off-humor.

If you aren’t illustrating, what are you doing?

I read a lot. I also like to rock climb and go out to eat.

What would you do with an afternoon off and your favorite book?

I guess I see myself sitting on top of a mountain, reading The Little Prince, and daydreaming. Then I’d come back to Portland and go out for sushi.


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