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Responsive design gives Arlington Public Library a big experience on the small screen

Arlington Public Library received a grant from the Texas State Library to update and optimize its website for use on mobile devices. The responsive design from Insite Web Publishing leverages the current desktop design to present a full website experience for targeted mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

While some organizations create separate, mobile-only versions of their website—with reduced content and limited functionality—our approach to responsive design is to enable the full website experience, including all content and functionality. Insite examined and identified the library’s popular page design layouts and content types, and then studied various mobile responsive breakpoints. Next, we created dynamic, responsive layouts to accommodate the content.

One significant challenge was deciding on how best to implement large-scale information architecture and navigation that was just as intuitive on a small screen. In the end, Arlington Public Library’s responsive design website is an accessible and pleasant mobile experience that reflects the library’s brand.